Quality Commission

Quality Commission

DEU Quality Comission Webpage: http://kalite.deu.edu.tr/

Duties and Responsibilities of the University Quality Commission;

1- To establish the unit’s internal and external quality assurance system regarding the evaluation and quality improvement of the unit’s education and research activities and administrative services, in line with the Strategic Plan and objectives of the University,

2- To announce the decisions of the Unit Quality Commission in the relevant unit, to contribute to their implementation and to monitor the results,

3- Preparing the Unit Internal Evaluation Report,

4- To carry out other necessary work in line with this directive and the procedures and principles determined by the Quality Commission.

Members of the Unit Quality Commission of the Graduate School of Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. Asuman ALTAY Director
GSSS Secretary Bülent KOTLUK Member
Assoc. Prof. Levent YILMAZ Reserve Member
Chief Sercan DEMİROGLARI Reserve Member

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