1 | Prof. Dr. Zehra Nilüfer KARACASULU | DIRECTOR | nilufer.karaca@deu.edu.tr |
2 | Assoc. Prof. Uğur SAMANCI | Associate Director | ugur.samanci@deu.edu.tr |
3 | Asst. Prof. Habil GÖKMEN | Associate Director | habil.gokmen@deu.edu.tr |
4 | Prof. Dr. Özlem ÇAKIR | Department of Disaster Management, HoD | ozlem.cakir@deu.edu.tr |
5 | Prof. Dr. Nilşen GÖKÇEN ULUK | Department of American Culture and Literature,
HoD | nilsen.gokcen@deu.edu.tr |
6 | Prof. Dr. Engin AKDENİZ | Department of Archaeology, HoD | engin.akdeniz@deu.edu.tr |
7 | Assoc. Prof. B. Müge VURAL | Department of European Union, HoD | muge.tunaer@deu.edu.tr |
8 | Assoc. Prof. Levent YILMAZ | Department of Information Management,
HoD | levent.yilmaz@deu.edu.tr |
9 | Prof. Dr. Özlem ÇAKIR | Department of Labour Economics and Industrial
Relations, HoD | ozlem.cakir@deu.edu.tr |
10 | Assoc. Prof. Ali Cemal TÖZ | Department of Marine Transportation Engineering,
HoD | ali.toz@deu.edu.tr |
11 | Assoc. Prof. Gamze
ARABELEN | Department of Maritime Business Administration,
HoD | gamze.arabelen@deu.edu.tr |
12 | Prof. Dr. Ali Kemal ŞEHİRLİOĞLU | Department of Econometrics, HoD | kemal.sehirli@deu.edu.tr |
13 | Prof. Dr. Hakan ÇÖREKCİOĞLU | Department of Philosophy, HoD | hakan.corekcioglu@deu.edu.tr |
14 | Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cem
ŞAHİN | Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences,
HoD | mehmetcem.sahin@deu.edu.tr |
15 | Assoc. Prof. Turgay BUCAK | Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, HoD | turgay.bucak@deu.edu.tr |
16 | Prof. Dr. Kamil İŞERİ | Department of General Linguistics, HoD | kamil.iseri@deu.edu.tr |
17 | Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avni
EGELİ | Department of Economics, HoD | avni.egeli@deu.edu.tr |
18 | Prof. Dr. Burçak Müge VURAL | Department of Economics (English),HoD | muge.tunaer@deu.edu.tr |
19 | Prof. Dr. Pınar Evrim
MANDACI | Department of Business Administration (English),
HoD | pinar.evrim@deu.edu.tr |
20 | Prof. Dr. Şenay ÖZGÜR | Department of Islamic History and Arts, HoD | senay.ozgur@deu.edu.tr |
21 | Prof. Dr. Ali ÖZDEMİR | Department of Business Administration, HoD | ali.ozdemir@deu.edu.tr |
22 | Prof. Dr. Asuman ALTAY | Department of Women's Studies, HoD | asuman.altay@deu.edu.tr |
23 | Prof. Dr. Koray DOĞAN | Department of Public Law, HoD | koray.dogan@deu.edu.tr |
24 | Prof. Dr. Gökhan TENİKLER | Department of Public Administration, HoD | gokhan.tenikler@deu.edu.tr |
25 | Prof. Dr. Nevzat KAYA | Department of Comparative Literature, HoD | nevzat.kaya@deu.edu.tr |
26 | Prof. Dr. Zeynep ARIKAN | Department of Public Finance, HoD | zeynep.arikan@deu.edu.tr |
27 | Prof. Dr. Gülperi SERT | Department of Translation and Interpretation, HoD | gulperi.sert@deu.edu.tr |
28 | Prof. Dr. Remzi YAĞCI | Department of Museology, HoD | remzi.yagci@deu.edu.tr |
29 | Prof. Dr. Hacı CAN | Department of Private Law, HoD | haci.can@deu.edu.tr |
30 | Prof. Dr. Gülmira KURUOĞLU | Department of Russian Language and Literature, HoD | gulmira.kuruoglu@deu.edu.tr |
31 | Assoc. Prof. Derya Durusu EMEK SAVAŞ | Department of Psychology, HoD | derya.emek@deu.edu.tr |
32 | Assoc. Prof. Behiye KAZANCI | Department of Health Law, HoD | behiye.eker@deu.edu.tr |
33 | Prof. Dr. Yıldız AKPOLAT | Department of Sociology, HoD | yildiz.akpolat@deu.edu.tr |
34 | Assoc. Prof. TOLGA ŞAHİN
| Department of Sports Management, HoD | tolga.sahin@deu.edu.tr |
35 | Prof. Dr. Türkmen TÖRELİ | Department of Strategic Researches, HoD | turkmen.toreli@deu.edu.tr |
36 | Prof. Dr. Hakki UYAR | Department of History, HoD | hakki.uyar@deu.edu.tr |
37 | Prof. Dr. Himmet KONUR | Department of Basic Islamic Sciences, HoD | himmet.konur@deu.edu.tr |
38 | Prof. Dr. Gülüzar KURT
GÜMÜŞ | Department of Total Quality Management, HoD | guluzar.kurt@deu.edu.tr |
39 | Prof. Dr. Işıl ÖZGEN | Department of Tourism Management, HoD | isil.goksu@deu.edu.tr |
40 | Prof. Dr. Cafer ŞEN | Department of Turkish Language and Literature,
HoD | cafer.sen@deu.edu.tr |
41 | Prof. Dr. Ali Şevket OVALI | Department of International Relations, HoD | sevket.ovali@deu.edu.tr |
42 | Prof. Dr. Berna KIRKULAK ULUDAĞ | Department of International Business and Trade,
HoD | berna.kirkulak@deu.edu.tr |
43 | Prof. Dr. Vahap TECİM | Department of Management Information Systems,
HoD | vahap.tecim@deu.edu.tr |